Defining Criteria

Initiating and Defining Criteria

Auditors develop the criteria questions that will be used as a checklist during their audits. Criteria are controlled documents with approvals and version control.

  1. From the SmartSolve Portal Page, click the Home tab at the top of the window.
  2. In the Audit Management section of the list, select Create Criteria.
    Result: The Initiate Criteria window is displayed.

  1. Zoom to select a site. The site selected defines the criteria team associated with the new Criteria record. This field defaults to the site of the logged in user. For additional information on configuration, see Organization Units.
  2. Click the drop down button and select the type of criteria, such as Supplier or Regulatory. For more information on configuration, see Criteria Types.
  3. Click the drop down button and select the type of response for the criteria, such as PASS/FAIL or YES/No. For more information on configuration, see Response Types.
  4. Enter a unique title for the criteria.
  5. Enter a description of the criteria.
  6. Add an attachment, if necessary. To add an attachment, click the Add Attachment link and then browse to select files. Then click the OK button.
  7. Click the Submit button to create the Criteria record or click the Cancel button to cancel the record and return to the Portal.
    Result: The Define Criteria window is displayed.


  1. Enter the information in the following sections:
Section Description


Enter the information in the Criteria section fields. Some of this information in this section will default from the Initiate Criteria window.

  • Initiating Site* - Zoom to select a site. The site selected defines the criteria team associated with the new Criteria record. This field defaults from the Initiate Criteria window. For more information on configuration, see Organization Units.
  • Criteria Type* - Displays the type of criteria, such as Supplier or Internal. This field defaults from the Initiate Criteria window. For more information on configuration, see Criteria Types.
  • Response Type* - Click the drop down button and select the type of response for the criteria, such as PASS/FAIL. This field defaults from the Initiate Criteria window. For more information on configuration, see Response Types.
  • Retention Period - Specify the length of time that the criteria will remain active in the system. For more information on configuration, see Criteria Retention Units.
  • Title* - Enter a unique name for the criteria. This field defaults from the Initiate Criteria window.
  • Description - Enter a description of the criteria.
Applicable Standard

Click the Add Applicable Standard link to add applicable standards to the criteria. This section is optional.

NOTE: If you add a row and then decide not to add the applicable standard, you must delete the row.

Enter the information in the following Applicable Standard section fields:

  • Name* - Zoom to select an applicable standard. For more information on configuration, see Applicable Standards.
  • Description - The description of the applicable standard defaults from Applicable Standard Setup.

Enter the information in the Section fields. Click the Add Section link to add additional sections to the criteria.

  • Section* - Enter a number for the section. To create a sub-section, enter the section number followed by a decimal and the subsection number. For example, if the section number is 1, then for the subsection, enter 1.1 in the Section field. This will create a parent/child relationship between the two sections.

  • Title* - Enter a name for the section.
  • Response Type - Click the drop down button and select the type of response applicable to the section, such as PASS/FAIL. This defaults from the Criteria Response Type. For more information on configuration, see Response Types.
  • Objective - Enter the section objective.


Expand the Section section and then click the Add Question link to add a question to the section.

  • Number* - Enter the question number.

  • Question/Topic* - Enter the question/topic.

Click the Add Document link to add a document to the criteria. This section is optional.

Enter the information in the following Document section fields:

  • Document Number* - Zoom to select a document from the Document Management system. If Document Management is not installed, then enter a reference number for an external document. Forms Designer can be used to configure this field to link to an external document system. See the Studio Designer Help System for additional information.
  • Document Revision - Enter the referenced document's revision number.
  • Title - Enter the title of the document.
Certified Auditor

Click the Add Certified Auditor link to add a certified auditor to the criteria. This section is optional.

Enter the information in the following Certified Auditor section fields:

  • Role* - Zoom to select the role of the certified auditor. For more information on configuration, see Roles.
  • User* - Zoom to select the certified auditor. For more information on configuration, see Users.


Policies control the optional steps that can be performed in your Criteria workflow. An administrator can set these controls and restrict your Audit Coordinator and Lead Auditor from selecting or changing these options.

Review the Policy section options:

  • Perform Approval? - Select Yes if you want to perform Criteria Approval. If No is selected, then the approval will be skipped for this record.
  • Make Current Upon Sign-off? - Select Yes if you want the criteria to become current when this record is signed off.

NOTE: If both policies are set to No, then when the criteria is submitted, the status of the criteria will be Prereleased. The criteria must then be made Current before it can be used in the system.


Several different user roles are involved in the criteria management process. Customers must configure their own roles to be used with the system. The criteria team members default based on the site selected.

The following tasks (roles) have been configured as defaults in the Audit Management application:

  • Criteria Owner - Ownership is a required task in the Criteria record. The owner of the record is not assigned any task other than ownership and only one criteria owner can be defined. If a criteria owner is not defined, then criteria owner defaults to the logged in user.
  • Criteria Approval - Criteria approval is a optional task in the criteria process. If the Perform Approval policy is enabled, then an approver must be selected. Multiple approvers can be selected.

NOTE: If the role is defined as not required in Group Setup, then the Role and Task fields are editable.


If necessary, click the Add Attachment link and then browse to select files. Then click the OK button.

  1. Click the Sign-off button or click the Cancel button to cancel the record.
    Result: The Sign-off window is displayed.
  2. Enter your user ID and password and then click the Sign-off button or the Cancel button to return to the record.
    Result: The Result window is displayed. The Result window is a window that displays after definition and asks the user where they would like to go next, such as to the Criteria Detail, to the next step in the workflow if the same user is assigned, or back to the Portal Page.

See Also

Approving a Criteria

Criteria Other Actions



Wednesday, December 4, 2019
12:03 PM